Enrolment & Fees

Thank you for your interest in joining our wonderful St Joseph’s School community.  

If you are unsure when your child can start school, please check the School Age Calculator

For information regarding the enrolment process please request or download an application form and submit it to the school with the following documents: 

  • Birth certificate 
  • Baptism certificate (if Catholic) 
  • AIR Immunisation History Statement – Learn more here 
  • Visa Information (if new arrival) 
  • Last School Report (if child is transferring from another school) 

Enrolment Forms & Downloads (please add attached docs)

  • Enrolment Procedure 
  • Enrolment Application Form 

Please phone 08 9651 1987 or email admin@sjsmoora.wa.edu.au with any questions or if you would like to book a tour of the school. We would love to show you around! 

School Fees


Tuition Fees 2025

1st Child $560
2nd Child $448 with 20% Sibling Discount
3rd Child $336 with 40% Sibling Discount
4th Child Free with 100% Sibling Discount
Kindergarten $336 (sibling discounts apply)


A fee of $50 per family is due to be paid on Enrolment.
(This fee will be deducted from the Tuition Fees)

Note: HCC/PCC Card - Maximum Fee for 2025 will be $300
HCC/PCC Card Discount in 2025

1st Child $250
2nd Child $200 with 20% Sibling Discount
3rd Child $150 with 40% Sibling Discount
4th Child Free with 100% Sibling Discount
Kindergarten $250 HCC/PCC Discounts do apply for Kindergarten


To receive the Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) discounts, please bring a copy of your current card to the office at the beginning of the year. 



  Per family HCC Kindy Only Child HCC
Building Levy $110 $90 $67 $60
IT/Computer Levy $57 $57 $37 $32



  Incursions Amenities Graduation Shirt Camp
Kindy $20 $35    
PP - Year 5 $35 $70    
Year 6 $35 $70 $43 $430




These are not included on the Fees Schedule in 2025. Excursions will be paid for once the Class Teacher has decided where the Class is going and worked out the costs involved. A note will be sent home with the details and the parents will be expected to pay for the excursion before the event.

Swimming Lessons

The cost for Swimming is not included in the above Schedule because students may use their Season Pass for pool entry. For children without a Season Pass, the cost will be approximately $4.00 per lesson.

Special Events

During the year, some special optional activities come up that may incur an extra cost not covered by the above Schedule. These need to be paid for at the time they occur.

Fee Payments

Fees may be paid by cheque or cash.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) through the internet is also available. Our Westpac Bank details are:
BSB: 036 106
Account Number: 790033
Please include your Surname as the Reference.
Fees can be paid off over the year eg termly, monthly or fortnightly, but must be paid in full by Term 3.

Centrelink – use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers. Go to humanservices.gov.au/centerpay for more information and to set-up your Centrepay deduction. Alternatively, see Natasha Butcher at the Office to arrange Centrepay.

If you are experiencing difficulty paying your fees, it is important that you make an appointment with the Principal to discuss alternative arrangements (as early as possible to avoid any possible distress).

IN-SCHOOL ACCIDENT INSURANCE – the school takes out accident insurance with Catholic Church Insurances to cover students in school time and on school activities. The cost of this is included in the Tuition Fees.